Who We Are

We are women united by our passion to develop and promote competitive tennis for women of all ages. We are athletes and competitors who love to play in leagues and tournaments locally, nationally, and even internationally. We are mothers and grandmothers; professionals, entrepreneurs, and retirees. We are 30 year-olds and 90 year-olds, and all ages in between. We are spread across the country but united by our love of the game. We are beginners just learning tennis, recreational players who have enjoyed it for years, past collegiate players, and even former professional players. We love health and fitness and are thankful for the opportunity to compete in our adult years. We love traveling and the camaraderie of our tennis family. We are invested in promoting the sport and ensuring opportunities for women to compete. Tennis is the sport of a lifetime, and the NWTO is banded together to make it happen. We welcome all and invite you to join us in our mission.
What Our Members Are Saying
“Being a member of NWTO helps me stay connected with my tennis friends. It’s always fun to play national tournaments to reconnect with friends that I have met, made and competed against. It is like a reunion for everyone! Some players I have known since my junior tennis days! The NWTO announces the tournament schedule which helps keep me organized!”
— Tina Karwasky, Glendale CA
“The question - why I belong to the NWTO - the answer- why wouldn’t I? I’m a competitive senior female player and this organization is all about senior female players. The organization makes every effort to advocate for our members so that we can have optimal experiences in our tennis lives. It keeps us informed not only about their efforts as an advocate but with up to date information on members, tournaments, training and health resources and much more.”
— Carol Wood, Rockville MD
“I started the sport of tennis in my mid thirties. First it was a casual pick up match here and there; then a few years later I started participating in the USTA leagues. Soon after that I began playing National Tournaments. So many places to visit when you play the National Tournaments. And, with the NWTO website there is something for every tennis player. I feel so blessed to have met so many wonderful tennis friends in all my years of playing; they are like family!! You might say ‘tennis is my racket!’”