Each year, during the second week of November, NWTO sponsors and helps plan the largest women’s tournament of the year, the USTA National Women’s Intersectional Team Championships. All USTA Sections are invited and encouraged to send teams of their best players representing their area in age categories 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 80, and 85s.
This event alternates between clay courts and hard courts, hosting over 300 women each year. Each team plays for four days with singles matches in the morning and doubles in the afternoon. The 55s and 65s play Monday-Thursday, the 75s, 80s, 85s play Tuesday-Friday and the 35s and 45s play Thursday-Sunday. In recent years, the clay court event has been held in Florida and the hard court event in Phoenix.
NWTO members who are interested in playing in the Intersectional event should contact their Section Office to find out how teams are organized in their Section. Registration is done by the team captain or Section Office. Each team has between 4 and 7 players, depending on the numbers of singles and doubles lines to be played in each age group.
Whether on clay or hard courts, whether 35 or 85, what is always on display at Intersectionals is competition at the highest level, team bonding between those representing their sections, and renewal of enduring friendships of players from all areas of the country.
You can learn more about the history of Intersectionals here
2025 USTA National Women's Intersectional Team Event
November 10-16 | Phoenix Tennis Center, Phoenix AZ
Access the tournament information page here
Find information on captaining a team here
USTA teams represented by each Section in 2024 (63 total):
Pacific Northwest 4 teams: 45, 55, 65, 80 MidAtlantic 5 teams: 45, 55, 65, 75, 80
Southern 7 teams: 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 80, 85 Florida 7 teams: 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 80, 85
Midwest 5 teams: 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 Southern California 7 teams: 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 80, 85
Texas 7 teams: 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 80, 85 Middle States 4 teams: 55, 65, 75, 80 Eastern 5 teams: 45, 55, 65, 80, 85
New England 7 teams: 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 80, 85 Northern California 4 teams: 55, 65, 75, 80 Southwest 1 team: 75
12 Sections out of 17 participated. The 5 Sections that did not send any team were Northern, Intermountain, Missouri Valley, Hawaii and Caribbean.
2024 USTA National Women's Intersectionals
Plantation, FL | November 11-17
Intersectionals is still going strong after 37 years! This unique event not only builds camaraderie among teammates but also among other age groups, especially with players in one’s own section. We root and cheer and we feel supported and loved! We are fortunate to be chosen to represent our section and compete for a medal. Last month 359 women from 12 USTA sections gathered at the Veltri Tennis Center in Ft. Lauderdale to battle it out (teams from Northern, Caribbean, Intermountain, Missouri Valley, and Hawaii were missing). In the end, Southern took home 3 golds (35,45,65) while Mid-Atlantic (55), Florida (75), Pacific Northwest (80), and Southern Cal (85) each won one gold medal. The 55’s division had the largest number of participants with 75 players.
Two first-timers shared their experiences with me. Kathy Heinze from Oakland, CA was on the NorCal 65’s team and described the highlights: “I loved playing on a high caliber team, including watching and rooting for all the NorCal teams. I enjoyed contributing to my team by warming up teammates, and helping out whenever needed. I met many players from my section.” Kathy played doubles with Andrea Barnes against Southern in the semifinals.
Joanne Price played for SoCal’s 55 team, having moved from Wales, UK to Pasadena, CA last year. She quickly became part of the SoCal tennis community and was thrilled to be invited to Intersectionals where she played both singles and doubles. “Watching top players in all age groups who played on college teams and on the pro tour was super inspiring. I love playing for a team, giving and getting teammate support, and making new friends.”
Highlights from the Thursday night banquet included awarding Fran Chandler with the Margaret Russo Sportsmanship Award, and Elizabeth Barnhill with the Belmar Gunderson Leadership Award. Congratulations to Fran and Elizabeth! Thanks to Julie Thu for creating a lively slideshow with Intersectional photos over the years. It was wonderful to see players of all ages and from all sections socializing and tearing up the dance floor!
Matt Gleason and his staff did a fabulous job running the tournament and Dan DeBruyne, the onsite expert and his maintenance staff, were always there to troubleshoot. Thanks to Joan Oelschlager and Lou Armstrong for coordinating volunteers at the NWTO table, and adding new members to the roles.
Sections are sending stronger players every year and it’s inspiring to see such top-level play in every age group. Medals were awarded as follows:
2024 Gold, silver and bronze winners:

• 35s: Gold - Southern | Silver - Texas | Bronze - New England
• 45s: Gold - Southern | Silver - Texas | Bronze - Florida
• 55s: Gold - MidAtlantic | Silver - Texas | Bronze - SoCal
• 65s: Gold - Southern | Silver - Southern Cal | Bronze - Northern Cal
• 75s: Gold - Florida | Silver - Southern | Bronze - Southern Cal
• 80s: Gold - Pacific NW | Silver - Southern Cal | Bronze - New England
• 85s: Gold - Southern Cal | Silver - Texas | Bronze - Florida