Annotated Questions for ACC

We are following up on a few previously asked and answered questions to get clarification (Number shown refer to those shown in the ACC response to our earlier questions):

2. Are tournament directors required to implement the voluntary consolation or can they choose to provide the feed-in consolation or the quarter final consolation?

ACC Response: For 2021 tournament directors will be required to implement the daily voluntary consolation for singles draws. Based on feedback from tournament directors and participants during 2021, the ACC will consider whether continuing with this requirement is appropriate or needs modification to meet the goal of increased tournament participation and providing a quality participant experience at the events. 

Follow up comment:  From the response above, it sounds like the requirement to implement Voluntary Consolation is mandatory in 2021 levels 2 and 3 tournaments but could be subject to change later in 2021 based on TD and player feedback.  However, the USTA webinar and the 2021 USTA Adult Tournaments Ranked Events chart (USTA chart) contradicts this answer, and allows for single elimination events and several types of consolation:

  •  The USTA chart states that Single Elimination is acceptable in Level 2 and 3 tournaments;

  •  The USTA chart includes three kinds of consolation events for Level 1 tournaments and four kinds for Levels 2 & 3.  

  • TD Caerwyn Evans tells us that the January Wilson tournament has been granted an exemption and will be a single elimination event for both singles and doubles.   Consolation is only provided in the Level 1 mixed doubles event

  • Granting exemptions in 2021 creates no improvement for the level 2 and 3 tournaments since there is no guarantee of more than one match in both singles and doubles.  It’s hard to encourage lower level players to sign up with a “one and done” format.

New Question:  What other level 2 and 3 tournaments have been granted exemptions in 2021?   Is the ACC mandating specific formats from these options for each tournament level?  

TFS Response: To date there have been no exemptions granted for Level 2 and Level 3 tournaments in 2021. The ACC has outlined the required formats for 2021 Level 1 and Level 2 tournaments, and as previously outlined, the ACC Sanctions Subcommittee is reviewing tournament director requests for such exemptions.

4. Are tournament directors permitted to employ a regular main draw doubles format or are they required to utilize the round robin format?

ACC Response: For 2021 tournament directors are required to use the round robin or round robin with playoff formats in doubles events. As mentioned in #3, the ACC Sanctions Subcommittee reviews all sanctions and considers requests by tournament directors for modifications to the criteria for running Level 1, 2 and 3 tournaments. There may be circumstances where an exemption is granted based on tournament or facility constraints. 

Follow up Question:  Did the ACC Sanctions Committee grant an exemption to the Wilson tournament to allow a regular draw format?    If so, then both the singles and doubles events will have single elimination.  What other tournaments have been granted these exemptions in 2021?

TFS Response:  To date there have been no exemptions granted for Level 2 and Level 3 tournaments in 2021. The ACC has outlined the required formats for 2021 Level 1 and Level 2 tournaments, and as previously outlined, the ACC Sanctions Subcommittee is reviewing tournament director requests for such exemptions. 

 5.  Are tournament directors allowed to employ a regular third set in lieu of a mandatory tiebreak in doubles to decide the third set? 

ACC Response: For 2021 in Level 1, 2 and 3 doubles tournaments a match format of two sets and a match tiebreak in lieu of a third set are required.

 Follow up comment:  The requirement of using a match tiebreak in lieu of a third set in Levels 1,2 and 3 is contrary to what was said in the webinar and stated in the 2021 USTA chart.  There, four scoring options are provided:

  • Best 2 of 3 tiebreak sets

  • Best 2 of 3 sets (3rd set is 10 point tiebreak)

  • Best 2 or 3 short sets (3rd set is 7-point or a 10 point tiebreak)

  • 8 game pro-set

Follow up question:   If a regular draw is used will the best 2 of 3 tiebreak sets be used?  Since players are not guaranteed as many matches without a round robin, playing with the regular 3rd set option would potentially give them more court time. 

TFS Response: For 2021, Level 1, 2 and 3 doubles tournaments will be required to have a match format of two sets and a match tiebreak in lieu of a third set. The ACC Sanctions Subcommittee will review tournament director requests for using alternative scoring formats for these tournaments.  It was determined that playing 3 full sets was too much tennis, especially for players also going deep in the singles.

 6. Please explain how the voluntary consolation works. 

ACC Response: For Level 1 and 2 tournaments in 2021 there will be a voluntary sign-up consolation for all singles events. If a participant loses a match then it will be the responsibility of that participant to go to the tournament desk and sign-up for the consolation round. The consolation matches will most often be held the next day. Once all the voluntary sign-ups have been received for the day then the tournament director will organize matches for the consolation round.  The daily voluntary consolation draw will be created with players listed in the order they have signed up at the tournament desk. For example, if Alice, Barbara, Corinne and Delilah sign up in that order, they would go into positions 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the consolation draw. All winners who desire to continue playing must sign up following their win in a consolation round match for the following day’s consolation. Players will then be placed in the draw in the order they sign up.  

Follow up comment and questions: Rather than create the draw with players listed in the order they have signed up at the tournament desk, can other options be considered?  For example:

  • Can all players sign up during the day with a sign up deadline and a random draw be created?  

  • Can there be a feed in voluntary consolation?

  • How frequently have TD’s actually implemented voluntary consolation draws for consolation losers so that they can enjoy more matches?  Has this been successful or have these losing players opted out of continuing to play?

TFS Response: The ACC Sanctions Subcommittee has received several thoughtful ideas on the handling of draws for the voluntary consolation. Further guidance on this topic will be provided by the end of November.

5. There appears to be a conflict between what is allowed for draw formats and scoring formats as outlined on the Tournament Alignment chart and the requirements outlined by the ACC. Please explain.

TFS Response: The Tournament Alignment chart provides the range of acceptable draw and scoring formats that can be used for the various levels of tournaments. The ACC has chosen to limit these options for at least 2021 for Level 1, 2 and 3 tournaments in order to grow these events and provide the best player experience. The broad range was included to build out Serve Tennis.


In Remembrance


New USTA Points Table