ITF Tournament Changes 2021

2021 will see changes to the tournament structure, tournament grading system and a new tournament recognition scheme. Summary of key changes for 2021:

  1. The ITF will assign all existing tournaments with a new grade in 2021. Tournaments set to take place between January to June will be informed of their grade by 31 July 2020. Tournaments from July to December 2021 will be informed by January 31, 2021.

  2. The ITF will introduce a Tournament Recognition Scheme in 2021 where tournaments that receive the very best player satisfaction feedback will be recognized on the ITF website and ITF Seniors tournament calendar. This feature will help new and existing players to identify the tournaments that are providing the very best levels of player satisfaction, while motivating and rewarding tournament organizers who are delivering an exceptional tournament experience. 

  3. Updated ranking point tables for 2021 to reflect the new tournament structure.

  4. The ITF recognizes the importance to players of a great tournament and match experience which offers value for money.  Doubles events and consolation events will be strongly encouraged to help improve the player experience at ITF Seniors tournaments.

  5. The ITF will work with national associations and tournament organizers on an initiative for younger age groups (up to 45 and over) to adapt the tournament experience to make it more relevant for this large playing group. This will include the use of adapted scoring formats, the ability for players to compete in up to two singles matches a day and to shorten the length of tournaments.


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