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Results of NWTO Survey of USTA Sections: Question 5

In 2022-2023, a Task Force of the Board of the NWTO completed a 10-question survey of 16 of the 17 Sections of the USTA (all but the Caribbean). The newsletter will be publishing the results of the survey, one question at a time. Learn more about this initiative here.

USTA Sections

QUESTION 5: What cup or team events are held within the Section or have Section participants? Does the Section provide financial support for these events?

Florida: Yes support is provided for Women Intersectionals, Men’s Super-Senior Grand Prix 55-plus, Men’s East Coast Swing Singles 55-plus (play rotates between clubs on the East Coast of Fl., Men’s Fla. Cup-East and West teams 35-plus.

Midwest: There are no team events held in the Section.

Intermountain: There are none.

Eastern: The section used to provide financial support for adult players, but now a player has to submit a Tax Return, and a stipend is based on need! They promise clothing. Adult national league teams are given limited money. They will support Addie Cup when it is in the section.

Pacific Northwest: USTA PNW has a scholarship program to provide need-based financial support to players who would not otherwise have the financial means to participate in USTA competitive and recreational play opportunities. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization that continues to cultivate donors to support these needs.

Southern California: The Section hosts several league Sectional tournaments throughout the year.  They run a North/ South Cup (NorCal vs. SoCal) men's teams for 55+, but not for women. SoCal hosted the NTRP nationals and endorsed the SoCal women players. They are looking into financially supporting them in the future.

Texas: Texas does not have a history of hosting cup play. This is recognized as an opportunity.

Southern: The Southern Section hosts the John Callen Cup (formerly known as Senior Cup) the first week in June. Each of the 9 states in the section sends a team of men and women to compete against the other states. It is a popular event and has been going on since the 1980s. Southern underwrites most of the cost of putting this event on, and most states give their players a small stipend for travel.

New England: We have Addie Cup, lntersectionals, Sears Cup, Friendship Cup (with Canada). We provide financial support for events when they are in New England. We provide financial support to the hosting club. We are not giving stipends to captains. New this year: we will donate apparel to all Cup teams. We do have less money in the budget than in past years

Northern California: The men play an annual sanctioned Senior North-South Exchange with the SoCal section. There is a similar unsanctioned event for the women that NorCal would also like to support financially if the organizers would agree to sanction it. The NorCal women's captain declined to sanction the event.

Southwest: There are no Cup or Team events held in the Section.

Middle States: Yes. Middle States hosts the Atlantic Coast Cup, 3 Super Senior events, Interdistricts, and supports players who advance to Intersectionals. Middle States hosts both Men's and Women's National Grass Courts. Until COVID, we also hosted the National Father & Son Indoor Championships.  Travel stipends are provided to all intersectional players, USTA leagues traveling to nationals and players competing in NTRP Championships.

Northern:  NA

Hawaii:  We have no adult cup or team events.

MidAtlantic: Per 2023 Agreement with Middle States, Eastern, New England and Mid-Atlantic, the four Cup events of Talbert (Men), Church (Men), Sears (women) and Addie (women) rotate between the 4 sections each year. The ACC (Men’s Cups) do not rotate and are hosted in the Middle States. The section is committed to providing a player gift if feasible (we are not always in the loop of player information) to all cup players representing Mid-Atlantic. For the one event hosted each year in the Mid-Atlantic, we provide balls and will work to find donated courts or sponsors to cover costs when possible. For the 2023 Addie, we provided balls, found a sponsor to cover court costs, and sent Mid-Atlantic apparel to the MidAtlantic players.

Missouri Valley: The Adult Play committee includes the USTA Missouri Valley League Program Manager, Adult Tournament Program Manager, Committee Chair, Committee Vice-Chair, 4 Committee Members, and a Board Liaison. League players are realizing that they can play tournaments. There are many weekend tournaments all the time from May to November, Levels 5-7; some are for one day, and some on Friday night only and are social.

After reading the above, do you have any recommendations or suggestions on how Adult Competition is best handled?  Please provide your feedback to Info @NWTO.us. We encourage you to reach out to your Section contacts with concerns or feedback:

Eastern – Lynn Buffamonti  buffamonti@eastern.usta.com
Florida – Christine Ducey  ducey@ustaflorida.com
Hawaii – Sara Yoshinaga  yoshinaga@hawaii.usta.com
Intermountain – Monica Haller-Bradley  mhaller@ita.usta.com
Mid-Atlantic – Rachel Kros  kros@mas.usta.com
Middle States – Mary Wurtz  Wurtz@ms.usta.com
Midwest – Toby Gaynor  toby@midwest.usta.com
Missouri Valley – Scott Howes  howes@movalley.usta.com
New England – Shawna Fors   shawna.fors@newengland.usta.com
Northern – Taylor Heltne  taylor@northern.usta.com
Northern California – Joanna Broda-Schnuk jbroda-schunck@norcal.usta.com
Pacific Northwest – Matthew Warren  mwarren@pnw.usta.com
Southern – Milagros Sequera Huss  sequera@sta.usta.com
Southern California – Anthony Shirley    ashirley@scta.usta.com
Southwest – Matt Gleason  gleason@southwest.usta.com
Texas – Veronica Nicholls  nicholls@texas.usta.com
Caribbean – Angela Vargas  adults@cta.usta.com

Learn more about this initiative here.

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