Tournament News Julie Thu Tournament News Julie Thu

Tournament Recap: Westwood Senior Championships

The Westwood Senior Championships is a Level 2 tournament that is traditionally held over the Labor Day Weekend in Austin Texas.

The Westwood Country club is located in an idyllic setting adjacent to a nature preserve with stunning views of the Colorado River. Wild peacocks occasionally roam the grounds. Majestic oak trees provide ample shade and the sight lines for spectators are very good on most courts…

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Tournament News Julie Thu Tournament News Julie Thu

Tournament Recap: 2023 ITF World Team Championships

It’s not often in life that you get the chance to represent your country in anything. In age-based tennis, the ITF World Team Championships, part of the Masters Tour, is our amazing opportunity to do so. This year, “Worlds” was held in Antalya, Turkey from March 19 - 24 and I, along with 19 other women, had the incredible honor of representing the USA to compete against countries from around the world…

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